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Ralph Lauren Employees Give a Riverside Family’s Home a Facelift

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Ralph Lauren Employees Give a Riverside Family’s Home a Facelift

On Friday, March 3rd, over 30 volunteers from Southern California Ralph Lauren stores, came out to Riverside to help paint Janette’s home. Janette and her 95 year old mother have lived in their home for several years but have not been able to maintain the upkeep, so with the help of these Ralph Lauren volunteers, we went out to revive their home.

The day started early and efficiently with all of the volunteers signing in and changing into their customized Ralph Lauren volunteer t-shirts. Everyone quickly got into formation and began unloading all of the supplies; laying out the painting tarps, and preparing the painting trays. Once the worksite was setup, Daniel our project coordinator gave a brief safety demonstration and the volunteers promptly began their work. They started by masking the entire home to prepare for painting. Once this was complete, some volunteers immediately grabbed rollers and began painting the walls while others grabbed ladders and began painting the trim. In just over two hours, Janette’s home received a complete facelift. The home looked revitalized and Janette was overcome with emotion as she admired her beautiful home. She was grateful to the volunteers and almost moved to tears as she exclaimed, “I can’t believe you guys did all of this work, it’s amazing! Thank you!” Not only was Janette excited about the new look of her home, but her neighbors and even the mobile home park manager showed their support by commenting on how remarkable the home looked now.

The volunteers were very motivated to help Janette, and even more excited to see how ecstatic Janette was when she saw the transformation. The joy Janette displayed in knowing that her home is now healthy and beautiful is why we do what we do here at Habitat for Humanity Riverside. Thank you Ralph Lauren volunteers for helping us to continue positively impacting the lives of people in our community.