Riverside Sunrise Rotary is sponsoring the Veteran’s Clothing Closet at the 2014 Stand Down that will serve more the 250 homeless veterans; Habitat is showing our support to the event and the Veterans it serves by hosting a collection site for Riverside Sunrise Rotary’s Clothing Drive to fill that closet. Donations of clothing, shoes, hats, and belts for men and woman is welcomed and can be dropped off Monday – Saturday 10am to 5pm at the Riverside ReStore, located at 2180 Iowa Avenue. Donations should be in good to excellent condition, folded and bagged. Your donations are tax-deductible and Habitat’s Riverside ReStore will provide you a receipt for your contribution.
For more information visit riversidesunriserotary.wordpress.com/2014/06/27/veterans-clothes-closet/ or email info@riversiderestore.org
I have some woman clothes I want donate. Do veteran family received these donated clothing free.