It has been a big week for Habitat for Humanity Riverside’s A Brush with Kindness Program. Three days, three homes, and three amazing group of volunteers lend their hands to help
homeowners in need.
Day 1: 4/25/13 Wild weeds, baked goods and a handful of Bank of America.
Annie, a senior homeowner and resident of Riverside called Habitat for Humanity Riverside for assistance with her overgrown trees, plants and rose bushes. After a Habitat Project Manager surveyed her property and saw the tree branches hanging over the roof and three 40 ft. plus palm trees several feet from the front porch, it was easy to see the looming danger. Annie was able to have friends and family help with the trees and our Bank of America volunteers arrived in their bright red volunteer shirts after their work day to help homeowner Annie beautify her yard.
Bank of America volunteers bravely attacked Annie’s front yard, side yard, and even the front strip of her street which was full of wild weeds. Annie was so grateful for our volunteers that she cooked and baked for the group. With help from Annie’s family and friends and Habitat for Humanity Riverside’s amazing Bank of America volunteers, Annie’s yard no longer pose a danger for the homeowner.
Day 2: 4/26/13 Glaxo Smith Kline answers paint brush distress signal.
Janice, a senior homeowner of over 34 years at Village Riverside Mobile Home Park was in desperate need of a new coat of paint. Her home had several dents, scratches and the paint had faded with several areas stained. Janice unable to hire or paint her home herself turned on the paint brush signal for Habitat for Humanity Riverside. Glaxo Smith Kline volunteers were happy to answer the call for help in their signature orange aprons and shirts.
Glaxo Smith Kline group are veteran volunteers of Habitat for Humanity Riverside A Brush with Kindness program and were able to paint her home in no time. Janice mingled and joked
with the group as they were painting her home. It was easy to see how pleased she was with their work and continually thanked the volunteers. Thanks Glaxo Smith Kline, your work will be evident for years.
Day 3: 4/27/13 Where is Kathy?
A recent widow was overwhelmed with support and help from Magnolia Presbyterian Church volunteers on Saturday at Village Riverside Mobile Home Park. After playing a game of “where is Kathy”, our Project Manager, and starting about an hour and half late, they were able to finish the paint job by 12:30pm. As you can see, Magnolia Presbyterian Church volunteers are a great crew and not rookies of Habitat for Humanity Riverside’s A Brush with Kindness program.
Thank you to all of our volunteers for answering the homeowners call for help and supporting our A Brush with Kindness project. We will see you at our next volunteer day.