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“I feel so elated, I’m so used to giving and now I get to receive.”

Posted by in A Brush with Kindness, Riverside, Volunteers | Comments Off on “I feel so elated, I’m so used to giving and now I get to receive.”
“I feel so elated, I’m so used to giving and now I get to receive.”

img_0855-768x1024On September 24th, 2016, staff members and students from the Riverside City College (RCC) Athletic Training program came together to help Mary clean and maintain her yard, a task she could no longer do on her own because of her health. Mary is a graduate of RCC herself and was elated that students from her alma mater would be helping her!

The students arrived early and eager to get to work. Several members from the group brought donuts to share before starting.img_0878-768x1024 We began with a brief introduction of Habitat for Humanity Riverside’s mission and service, as well as an overview of safety guidelines. The group quickly got to work and were focused, determined, and detail oriented when it came to working on Mary’s yard. They worked extremely well together and went above and beyond what was asked of them to ensure that Mary could avoid getting fined by the city. By the end of the day, Mary went from looking out onto yard with overgrown trees and dead leaves to one that was completely transformed.

Mary was extremely grateful for the work the volunteers had done, so grateful in fact that she went around and gave each person an individual hug, stating“I feel so blessed! You all did all this wonderful work and I know God is going to bless you.” Thank you, Riverside City College Athletic Training Program, for your time and great work on Mary’s yard. We look forward to having you volunteer again.
