Proclaimed by the City of Jurupa Valley, vowed by the local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and recognized by the Jurupa Rotary, April 28th was a day of service for the Jurupa community. In partnership with Union Bank, Supervisor Tavaglione’s office, Jurupa Area Recreation and Park District, and over 300 volunteers from the local LDS churches, Habitat Riverside engaged in a series of volunteer efforts to restore Horseshoe Lake Park, Veterans Memorial Park, and rehabilitate 10 mobile homes in Bravo Estates Mobile Home park. Union Bank and Supervisor Tavaglione’s office funded materials for the restorations and volunteer photographers John and Jared Gerson for captured the day in still shots.
Margaret Scott from the LDS church wrote, “Jurupa Valley saw some real change due to the efforts of more than 300 volunteers Saturday. It is incredible what can be accomplished with planning and determination on all sides… I do not speak for myself alone when I say we all left with a warm feeling in our hearts. The warm feeling that only comes from being of service to our fellow man.”
Horseshoe Lake Park Clean Up263 Volunteers!
This project took tremendous participation and preparation. John Todd from the Jurupa Rotary and the LDS church organized church group participation and Brad Hancock Jurupa Rotary and the LDS church prepared the area and provided superior construction and generated support on Saturday. As a result, volunteers from the local LDS churches, Jurupa Valley City Council, Jurupa Rotary, Union Bank, Jurupa Area Recreation and Park District, Girl Scout Troop #32 gathered early in the morning. Often equipped with their own tools, volunteers started a process that will change what used to be a dumping ground into a park.
Over 50 tires were removed from the western basin. of rocks, weeds, junk, paper, and other types of trash was removed. Rust was removed from the corral, given a coat of primer and was painted silver. The southern parking lot was leveled and marked off using cement parking stops. A new shelter off Lakewood Drive was placed on the property. Dead trees and old stumps were cut up with chain saws and removed and about of bender board was installed along the new walking path. To top it off, 2 cement monument signs have been purchased for JARPD to install.
Mike Frederick and his ETI-6 folks set up camp, barbequed and fed Horseshoe Lake Park volunteers. As the participation grew in the day, neighbors took interest, signed up and went to work. Habitat project manager Scott Andrews noted, “It was a great team effort. We have pictures of small children trying to pick up rocks as big as they are, and of the older generation doing whatever they could to help their fellow man. It was an inspiration to see all these families working together for a common goal. As I said that day, because the park is so huge, yet we had 200 volunteers, it looked like an army of ants roaming the site, lifting more than you could imagine. I tip my hat to one and all.”
Veterans Memorial Park51 Volunteers!
Supervisor Tavaglione’s office also provided a volunteer force for Veterans Memorial Park. Led by Intern Tiffany Estevez, 17 volunteers from Supervisor Tavaglione’s 2nd District Youth Advisory Council matched up with Habitat families, Union Bank and Jurupa Valley City Council Member Mike Goodland.
Volunteers finished the entire project. With of paint, they restored newly rebuilt benches, ballfields, the snackbar, announcer booths, grandstands, picnic tables, and the playground. Veterans Memorial Park sparkles with new color.
Bravo Estates Mobile Home Rehabilitation140 Volunteers
Completely fueled by volunteers from the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints, Bravo Estates Mobile Home Park witnessed a transformation. Habitat project manager Kathy Michalak noted, “I have to tell you that from my side, it was an amazing day… as we were cleaning up at each [mobile] home, several of the homeowners approached us and hugged us. They were so thrilled. I know that some of your [LDS] team members got hugs before they left as well.
“One elderly man especially comes to mind, the owner in #81. He searched me down about half way through the project because he was concerned that there weren’t enough people to finish his house. I told him we were on it and we would get it done. At the end of the day, when we were wrapping up, he came up to me and gave me a bear hug. He told me that this was the best thing that ever happened to him in his life. He and his wife just kept walking around the house marveling at the work your team [LDS church] did. That’s what it’s all about. Making a difference for people…”
Words cannot express my feelings about Community Service Day in Jurupa Valley last Saturday. To receive financial support and see so many volunteers participating from inside and outside our Community was encouraging, inspiring and heartwarming to say the least. I have shared with some of those closest to me that I truly believe that Jurupa Valley is becoming a City that others will look to and say, “We want to be like them, they have something special in their Community”. I believe we do and it is our most precious resource…our people! People helping to make a difference in the lives of those around them. My hat is off to all of you! With a grateful heart, Mayor Laura Roughton