Do you remember those flash flood days that we all watched on TV last year? Moreno Valley was hit pretty hard and so was our homeowner Venus. Venus lives in Santiago Estates mobile home park and her home sits in the lowest area of the park. Her home was victim to the mud, water and debris that came with the storm. The water rotted out the wood framing of the skirting around the home which caused it to drop and expose it to the elements. So all that water and debris flowed to her home. Santiago Estates park maintenance helped clean up the mess but the effects of the storm were evident.
Venus is a single mom and definitely needed their help. Imperial Dental Group came to the rescue! The home’s exterior paint was faded…it had not been painted for more than 15 years and last year’s rains did not help the situation. Jen, organizer of the paint day with Habitat Riverside, brought friends from Imperial Dental and Saddleback Church. Once everyone arrived the group brought their own storm and were a whirlwind of active volunteers. They were focused and did what needed to be done. In a little over 3 ½ hours Venus’s home was completed. Habitat volunteers repaired 2 sides of the home before the paint day and will completed the remaining sides this week.
Venus works for Volunteers of America and gave books from their reading program to all of the group for their children, friends or family as a token of her appreciation. A big thanks and a big smile goes out to Imperial Dental and friends from Saddleback Church that made a big difference on this day for Venus and her family.