Well, not the roof. But they were raising walls!
Bright-eyed and bushy tailed, Wells Fargo women (and a few good men) showed up from all corners of Southern California to raise the walls on Habitat for Humanity Riverside’s newest build in the City of Riverside on Arapahoe Street. Beatrice Jones (Habitat home buyer) and Cathy Jones (mother) welcomed them all by helping them sign in and get their gear.
Council Member Chris Mac Arthur checked in to scope out the project and promised to be volunteering with his family on the next build day.
After a safety orientation and job instructions from Brad from Inland Empire Framing, at 8:07am the tack tack tacking of hammers filled the morning air as Wells Fargo volunteers began assembling the walls of the Habitat Riverside home. Construction SupervisorKathy Michalak noted, “What was interesting to me was to see the girls tentatively tap-tap-taping when they first started. But by hour 2, you could hear them in full swing with a steady ratta-tat-tat“.
And, lunch was delicious! Thanks to the Jones family for baking BBQ chicken, baked beans, and potato salad. Thanks to friends of the Jones family for serving it. Cathy Jones even purchased some extra pizzas because she knew that raising walls meant extra hungry volunteers.
It was easy to see Wells Fargo is quite acquainted to teamwork! The girls naturally bunched into groups to raise their wall. Thanks to Susan Campbell and Jennifer Hutson for pulling the team together and rallying the troops to keep the spirits up throughout the 6 hour day. The team left their mark at the end of the day with well wishes and blessings on the bones of the house.
Here’s a picture of Beatrice reading some of their messages:
After a half day, Wells Fargo built the framework for a 3 bedroom/2 bathroom house with an attached 2 car garage. Inland Empire Framing was impressed with the Wells Fargo girl power.