Once again the Ramona High Habitat Chapter gave up a day off from school to join us in helping out a homeowner in need. It was an especially exciting day since we just heard the Chapter had just been awarded a grant through Habitat International and State Farm Insurance! The grant will be used to fund home repairs and ABWK projects in the neighborhoods surrounding Ramona High School. Congratulations to the Chapter and we all look forward to working together on some rewarding projects in the near future.
Once we all got over congratulating each other, we started the job at hand. We’ve completed several projects in the Santiago Estates Mobile Home Park in Moreno Valley, but this was the first time for the Ramona Chapter at this park. One of our favorite adult volunteers, Carol joined us as well and she shared lots of stories about her adventures with Habitat International and the students loved hearing the stories. They asked her lots of questions and she patiently answered them, which led to even more questions! Carol brought snacks for the whole crew and that made the day even more enjoyable.
The students, along with their adult advisors, made short work of the exterior paint job completing the entire project in about 5 hours. Spraying the front wall and the awnings certainly helped us get things done. The kids took care of painting all of the shutters which were no easy task with lots of detail work and patience. They even got the entire shed painted. All in all, it was a fun, rewarding day and the homeowner could not believe that we got it all done, especially as quickly as we did.
Thanks Ramona High School Habitat Chapter. You all are definitely amazing.