Saturday November 8th marked a landmark day for Habitat for Humanity Riverside and A Brush With Kindness. In the usual five hour timespan, Kaiser Permanente’s outstanding turnout of over 50 volunteers painted a total of five homes! Homeowner’s Velma, Elvira, Carol-Lynn, Peggy, and Wilma from Rancho Caballero Mobile Home Park were all unable to refurbish their homes despite being long overdue. That’s where Kaiser Permanente and their yearly volunteering came in!
Starting as early as six in the morning, volunteers gathered at Rancho Caballero. The large group, composed with beginner and veteran painters alike, began their work after a brief setup and safety message. The houses were done in a very timely manner, including Velma’s home which was done in a shockingly speedy three hours! Jon, a volunteer from Kaiser Permanente, had previously been an AmeriCorps member from the first class in 1994, and although he did not serve with Habitat for Humanity at the time, he continues to serve when he can. Along with another volunteer, Jon went above and beyond their painting roles and fixed the Wilma’s door so that it would no longer have issues. When asked about his volunteer experience that day, he noted that he was satisfied with “the difference you can see in a short period of time,” adding that “a thanks is all that is needed, but the cupcakes Wilma made for the volunteers was a warm touch!
”The volunteer day ended with hugs and smiles all around! It was undoubtingly apparent that many lives were touched that day, from the homeowners, to neighbors, to volunteers themselves! Homeowner Coral-Lynn waved us good bye by stating that “They’re the reason the reason the world is so kind.” On behalf of Habitat for Humanity Riverside, Velma, Elvira, Carol-Lynn, Peggy, and Wilma, we would like to thank Kaiser Permanente for their outstanding work! We look forward to seeing you again!