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10/25/14: Two Homes, Dozens of Smiles!

Posted by in A Brush with Kindness, Riverside, Volunteers | Comments Off on 10/25/14: Two Homes, Dozens of Smiles!
10/25/14: Two Homes, Dozens of Smiles!

On Saturday October 25th, several volunteers from the University of California Riverside and New Beginnings Christian Church teamed up with Habitat for Humanity Riverside in A Brush With Kindness to paint what turned out to be a speedy project in the Old Plantation mobile home park! Carol, the sweet 64 year old women, and her son lived together in a mobile home that was in dire need of a makeover. Chipped paint, and weathered walls decorated Carol’s former mobile home. The second house owned by Lilian, a mother of 6 who lives on a fixed income had no time or resources to maintain her home as well, but along came the volunteers form U.C.R. and New Beginnings Christian Church!

CAM02305Meeting in the early light of the morning, 11 members of U.C.R.’s Future Pharmacists Interested in Learning Leadership Skills (or P.I.L.L.S. for short) and New Beginnings Christian Church (or N.B.C.C.) eagerly grabbed brushes and rollers, and together, completely transformed Carol’s home! Within 5 hours, just in time to beat the harsh heat, the volunteers finished their painting.

Light green adorned the exterior walls while a very light tan color ornamented the trim of Carol’s now elegant house. A beautiful brown house was left as a monument to the great efforts of N.B.C.C. Although some volunteers had no experience painting prior to this project, all of the helpers took great care in painting. They treated this job knowing that both were more than just houses, but their homes. Habitat for Humanity Riverside, Lilian, and Carol greatly appreciated the work of the P.I.L.L.S. and N.B.C.C. volunteers! We look forward to painting along side them in the future!

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