Cal Baptist University students started their first semester of the 2013-2014 school year by serving their community. A bus with over 40 students arrived at the mobile home park and we could see a procession of students in orange and white with “Serve Riverside” t-shirts walking down to the homes of Keith and Bob. Their mission, to paint the homes of Keith and Bob, two retired seniors living on fixed incomes. Keith’s home needed to be repainted since the original paint faded to a different color and looked green and yellow. Bob’s home had water damaged on 2 sides of the home. Park management cited both homeowners to make the necessary repairs and to repaint their homes.
Mike one of the schools counselors, read his favorite scripture passage and gave the morning devotion to commence the paint day. CBU students were split into two groups to tackle Keith’s and Bob’s home before the heat rose even higher. CBU counselors Lauren, Micah, and Mike were on hand to help Habitat for Humanity Riverside Project Managers oversee the students and to lend a helping hand. Everyone surrounded the homes like orange and white busy bees; painting, talking, and getting to know each other.
Keith and Bob worked alongside the students to paint their respective homes and thank them for volunteering their time. The homeowners were in awe to see the students so animated and cheerful especially since it was one of the hottest days of the summer and the temperature kept rising. Both groups did a fantastic paint job and the repairs for Bob’s home is scheduled for later next week.
Thank you CBU students for giving your time to serve two Riverside homeowners in such a special way. Keith and Bob will never forget your service to them.